Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Unethical World

Every single day you make logical ethical decisions without even knowing it. When you order a meal at a restaurant you pay the bill because it is ethical to do so and unethical not too. The problem is that there is no absolutism in ethics. It is a constantly evolving and changing idea. It is relative to who you are and where you are at what time. How violence is looked at depends entirely on the area that you are in. There are many guidelines that people follow to better them selves but there is never one absolute rule and often rules conflict.

Chernobyl has recently been revisited after the nuclear meltdown 25 years ago. Although we do not know what exactly happened at the plant we do know that there was disagreement between the upper and lower management in the plant. The upper management followed contract ethics according to their higher management, which said that if not all was going well somebody had to be punished. The lower management followed publicity ethics knowing that if something was going wrong they didn’t want upper management to know about it creating conflicting ideas.

Another example of conflicting ethics is Glenn Beck’s uproar right after the economic crash. This is an example of Rule Ethics as he wanted everybody else to be afraid of the coming doom. Many people followed but all of a sudden the market is starting to turn itself around and he is losing his roar. The people are now recognizing that we are in the clear are moving toward a Utilitarian idea where everything you do is for the good of the people. Glenn Beck’s ideas are no longer for the good of the people. His ideals are falling apart beneath him and he needs to transition as the world transitions.

Ethics are certainly not perfect but they are incredibly useful. Sometimes ethics are very simple and sometimes they are incredibly complex. One of the most common debates although certainly not recent is whether or not abortion should be allowed. This is incredibly complex and includes many different forms of ethics including Kantian and Niche. It also applies heavily to the situation that these ethics apply. At many hospitals they have ethics committees that go over whether or not one should be allowed to preform a certain operation. Whether or not it is ethical to do certain things to one’s body is entirely debatable.

So how do we solve this problem of conflicting ideals? To tell you the truth it is entirely up to you. If there is no one rule and neither of you are technically wrong sometimes it is better to back off. Although this seems difficult nobody ever said it was. Wait be passive today and strike aggressively tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Social Super Hero

If you have lived in the United States for the past 30 years of your life then you know that this society is based on how you socialize with other people. A large function of what goes into your ability to socialize is your identity. There is one important thing that you must understand about your identity, even though you shape that does not mean that you have the right to decide what it looks like in the end. That is for the eye of the beholder. This is what is called ascribed identity. I have seen friends who are not homosexual but have been believed to be homosexual based on their actions and I have also had friends that are homosexual but have not been perceived to be.

I recently had a friend that was thought to be a homosexual by what he considered to be a close friend. This process continued for some time before my friend realized that his friend perceived him differently then he thought he saw himself. This did not just put him in the position of ascribed identity but also gave him membership to a group that he may or may not have wanted to be a part of. This group does not have a lot of privileges. In fact this group is a target of oppression. This is when a group has disadvantages or barriers that puts them in a specific place in society. These barriers are called institutions.

A great example of oppression is taking place in Libya today. There are two kinds of people in currently present in Libya. There is the military and there is the average citizen. The thing is that there is no way that the people decide whether or not to be a civilian or part of the military they have an ascribed identity. And then on top of having this ascribed identity they have been oppressed by the government and forced to live miserable lives. Although there is oppression there is also privilege. These are advantages that you are born with unless you believe in Horatio Alger who said that all men were equal, but some just worked harder than others and that is why they were better off. If other people worked as hard, they would be well off too. But If I am born a white straight male then more likely then not I am better off then any other circumstance.

Privilege can also be abused. One such idea is Egypt where the leader abused his power for a very long time. It angered the citizens and eventually caused an uproar, which took his privileges away.

People are oppressed but people with privilege oppress people. It is very important that we do not mix the two ideas together and cause an uproar like what happened in Egypt.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Culture Problem

To be a successful leader you need to be inclusive. But the problem of culture makes it very difficult to be inclusive. There is what is known as the iceberg effect. You see how big the iceberg is above the water but you cannot accurately depict how much of the iceberg is under the water. There are many things that you do not know about a culture until you actually deal with the culture. For a small example most people do not know that it is incredibly rude to show the soul of your shoe in the Middle East. It would be the same as giving somebody the middle finger here in the west.

A greater example was when I arrived in Tucson. I come from a very large metropolis where you must be on time to everything and everything that happens, happens very quickly. It took me a long while to notice the difference when I came here but the speed at which things happen is very different from the city. People talk very slowly and expect the same out of you. When I talk at the speed that I am used to talking people find it very difficult to understand me so they ask me to slow down. When people show up to class I am very used to being in class at least five minutes before I am required to. It seems here that people are used to arriving between 5 or less to class. Now this could actually be one of two things. One it could be the culture of Tucson or two it could be the culture of the university. One way or another it is still odd and it is something that I did not see coming. Lastly was the way that I talked. Most people here have a basic American accent, which I also thought that I had. It turns out that I have the slight tint of a Chicago accent that some people questioned why I talked that way. It is also distracting to me when people try to say Chicago because I say it so different from them.

These are all part of the iceberg effect things that I could not see until I traveled under water out of my comfort zone. It is important to travel underwater as a leader.

A good leader has to be willing to exit his or her comfort zone for the betterment of society. When volunteers head over to japan to help with the earthquake the must understand the needs of the people that they are dealing with. The way that you greet people in Japan is very different from what you do here in the United States. Things like this should always be considered.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vision Quest

When I think of mission I think of James Bond not a way that you act. You might be able to twist the words to make it sound like they are similar but they really aren’t the same. I think of a mission statement as a statement to the way you should act to reach your vision. You mission should also be in line with your morals. Your vision is nothing more then an over all goal for your life. If you complete your vision statement in your lifetime then either it wasn’t big enough or you need a newer bigger one.

Take the recent earthquake in Japan as an example. If your vision were to clean up the damage that happened after the earthquake it wouldn’t be a very good vision. There are many other people with the same idea. It will take time to clean the mess but it will eventually be finished before the die. If you vision were to keep the world clean that would be a pretty good vision. Both nature and humanity consistently makes the world into the mess. You might have to clean up a town that was ravaged by a civil war or maybe the mess of the war, maybe you just clean up all the parks in your local town for a start. There is a lot to do towards this vision and it basically never ends but it is a goal.

What about your mission statement in this vision what would that be. I would say to pick up trash, clean parks, and rebuild homes would be a pretty good mission statement. It is straight to the point and it helps move towards your overall vision of a clean world.

A great place that you will often find a great vision is in science. The idea of quantum computing has been around for while but there have been many recent jumps towards it. Many scientists are shifting their missions towards becoming quantum computing because of their visions. Quantum computing is incredibly useful in complex subjects like artificial intelligence and the universal theory. As fast as our computers are at computing today Quantum computing is incredibly fast and is incredibly small making it very useful. Most of these scientist may never see their work come to creation as their visions are outrageous but they are making a move towards it using their mission statement.

So you have a vision that you wish to attain. This vision is not simple or easy. The vision may never be obtained. You create a mission that will move you towards that over all vision. This mission meets with your goals and your morals. Now you have both a mission statement and you have a vision statement.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Follow the Leader

I believe that a whole lot of people as well as me hate to follow. Kind of the problem with a leadership course or club, you have a bunch of people all striving to be leaders and very few people want to be followers.
Maybe that is why I have lost so much respect in my class. I want to be the leader so I never shut the fuck up hoping I am right. This is not very useful when I do not know what I am talking about. Sure sometimes I do know what I am talking about. Maybe I have done a lot of research on the subject. But nobody knows everything. So when I start rambling on about bull crap it does a pretty good job of angering the class.
I do not believe that I am the only one in the class that does this but I do seem to have gone over the limit. If you haven’t figured this out this makes me a terrible follower. It doesn’t really help to support my leader or the teacher as it disturbs the class. Maybe I try to help the boss by answering a question but what is the point if I don’t know the answer. I’m also not too good at receiving feedback or at understanding my role.
On the other hand I do meet some of the requirements of a good follower. I’ll take initiative to a question. Even if my answer is wrong it creates uproar of answers from the rest of the class. Obviously I always keep the boss informed. But of course I always say thanks to the boss as long as what he or she does something to better the whole class.
So how does some one like me learn form my failures. Well for starters I can start by only talking when there is something that I am well knowledgeable in, things like Business and some European History. In this case it helps support the teacher and any students that disagree may have research that says other wise or may not have any knowledge in the subject and are throwing in an opinion that is not creditable, in which case they are the ignorant follower for once. As well I can sit down write the feedback I get and then read it ten times before I enter class.
These are of course only a couple of ideas that can be implemented to make me a better follower. I will need a lot of work before I can become both a good follower and a good leader but that is why have started this adventure of life, so that I can learn. And of course if I do not learn the wolves will eat me. So it all works out in the end.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Process of Leadership

Everything goes through a process. You are born, you grow up, and then you become old and die. This process happens over and over again and it works for us. So what if you developed a process for leadership?

Well they did and they called it process theory. So here is what goes into this process. The first is a purpose something that you and your group are working towards. You have to have inclusiveness. Everybody is part of the process; leaving people out of the process will only delay the solution to the purpose. You also need to empower the people in your group. This can be done in many ways but low moral always slows down the process. Contrary to popular belief moral does not improve with continuous beatings. Finally you have to be weary of ethics. Lying and saying that “witches possessed you” only works in a group for so long until somebody in the group steps up. Ethics are very complicated but there are many standards such as lying and stealing that everybody follows. It’s a process it works. Government is a great example of this process and when they don’t follow the process they have a tendency to run into problems.

Speaking of governments not following the leadership process Libya has been running into a lot of problems in the past couple of the weeks. This is a true example of somebody who doesn’t follow the process. Governments have many purposes; among them is protecting the people and preserving them as a country. They aren’t doing to good at moving towards their purpose. They leave just about everybody out, as their country is a dictatorship instead of a democracy that the people want. Well there goes inclusiveness. As for empowerment… Maybe I shouldn’t have made that joke before about the beatings. This government is sadistic; instead of empowering them they just beat them down until all forms of hope are lost. What about there ethics? More like what ethics? The entire problem is there lack of basic human rights. They are lied to, cheated, beaten, and often murdered. There is no leadership process at least not as a country.

What about their military? It almost works but it still doesn’t quite. The entire military is included in there actions. Inclusiveness is met. The men feel empowered as they stand over the people shoving their guns into them. Yet there is still a problem with the process. There are still no ethics. The system doesn’t work and now it is beginning to backfire on them.

The process doesn’t always work and it isn’t always used but it is important to keep you mind open for things of such magnitude. It could change the lives of many.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Situational Skills

Who should work where? Well that is always a good question to ask. In leadership one-way to decide who should be manager of what is through skills. If you have high technical skills but low conceptual skills you should probably be in supervisory management. If you are highly conceptual but have very few technical skills you should be in upper management. If you have both, on the other hand, you should be in middle management as you are the middleman between the two ideas. But what is interesting about all of this is that no matter what you should have strong people skills as a manager.
When I worked as a caddy over the summers I had a relatively good leader. He wasn’t amazing but for the most part he knew what he was doing and he knew how to act with both the golfers and the caddies. You could consider him a middle manager between the two. The golfers held a share of the property so they decided what happened to it. They had the conceptual skills. Now the caddies are a bad example of supervisory management but lets just say they supervised the ball for the golfers as the golfers wanted them to supervise it. But as all people do eventually he moved up the ladder. Unfortunately for the caddies and the golfers we were left with a new manager that was in the wrong place. This manager had high technical skills and very low conceptual skills as well as low people skills. He didn’t know how to work with people he yelled at the caddies all the time for minor incidents and his smile made the golfers uncomfortable. When the golfers had a conceptual idea he had no ability to relay it to the caddies. It was a real disappointment to the golf club and I.
On top of skills there is situational leadership. This is based on two principles; support and directive. You need different people in different situations depending on whether high or low support and high or low directive is needed.
Once again the caddy master used the wrong leadership in this situation. The caddy master used to be in the marines where the majority of leadership is high directive and low support. You really don’t have time to be supportive of somebody while being shot at.
Thankfully there were no guns being shot on the golf course but he decided to make it as if there were. Some of the caddies were young and required a lot more support as well as directive but he only offered directive. Some caddies new exactly what they were doing and yet he still gave them directive. And then there were caddies who new what they were doing and yet were feeling down but he didn’t offer support only directive. He was simply a bad leader.
Needless to say it didn’t take me very long before I left the club to look for other jobs. It will be a disappointment on my life but there is nothing that I can do about it other then walk away and attempt to never be like him.