Every single day you make logical ethical decisions without even knowing it. When you order a meal at a restaurant you pay the bill because it is ethical to do so and unethical not too. The problem is that there is no absolutism in ethics. It is a constantly evolving and changing idea. It is relative to who you are and where you are at what time. How violence is looked at depends entirely on the area that you are in. There are many guidelines that people follow to better them selves but there is never one absolute rule and often rules conflict.
Chernobyl has recently been revisited after the nuclear meltdown 25 years ago. Although we do not know what exactly happened at the plant we do know that there was disagreement between the upper and lower management in the plant. The upper management followed contract ethics according to their higher management, which said that if not all was going well somebody had to be punished. The lower management followed publicity ethics knowing that if something was going wrong they didn’t want upper management to know about it creating conflicting ideas.
Another example of conflicting ethics is Glenn Beck’s uproar right after the economic crash. This is an example of Rule Ethics as he wanted everybody else to be afraid of the coming doom. Many people followed but all of a sudden the market is starting to turn itself around and he is losing his roar. The people are now recognizing that we are in the clear are moving toward a Utilitarian idea where everything you do is for the good of the people. Glenn Beck’s ideas are no longer for the good of the people. His ideals are falling apart beneath him and he needs to transition as the world transitions.
Ethics are certainly not perfect but they are incredibly useful. Sometimes ethics are very simple and sometimes they are incredibly complex. One of the most common debates although certainly not recent is whether or not abortion should be allowed. This is incredibly complex and includes many different forms of ethics including Kantian and Niche. It also applies heavily to the situation that these ethics apply. At many hospitals they have ethics committees that go over whether or not one should be allowed to preform a certain operation. Whether or not it is ethical to do certain things to one’s body is entirely debatable.
So how do we solve this problem of conflicting ideals? To tell you the truth it is entirely up to you. If there is no one rule and neither of you are technically wrong sometimes it is better to back off. Although this seems difficult nobody ever said it was. Wait be passive today and strike aggressively tomorrow.
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