Tuesday, February 1, 2011

History of Leadership in Western Culture

As in the last post leadership has changed significantly in the past. This is post look more heavily at that and how the theories changed. There is first a tribal look. Then there is a look at monarchies. Lastly there is a look at the past century.
The first set of leadership was tribal leadership. This was a time period where leadership both had some implications of genetic advantage and at the same time leadership had to be earned. The tribal leader was chosen often because he fought his way to the top. Although some members might have been born with larger muscles or quicker reflexes they still had to work to get their position. From the top the leader would give task-oriented orders and persuade with fear for he was the toughest. If anybody were to object to his leadership and fail they would be killed or exiled, as they would create problems amongst the tribe if they were allowed to stay.
Although this worked for a while our brains began to grow larger and now higher positions were held to those with technology. Somebody with a bronze sword could kill a stronger man who doesn’t have a strong sword. But of course this technology was rare and there for only held by higher positions.
Now although this is difficult to think about, religion and spirituality is a social technology. It is something many of us use everyday. And it was the people that create these religions that hold the highest power as they hold the technology. They are also the ones who chose the leaders. The problem was that they really didn’t have a good system for creating leaders and so sometimes the leaders didn’t make very good leaders. Many of these leaders were murdered before somebody else was to take their place. It is more likely that you would be murdered as a king then if you were to walk around a third world country in a civil war.
As time continues on and these appointed leaders begin to become more intelligent they also begin to become more independent. This breaks down the religions and redistributes the people. At this point knowledge is become less and less limited to the higher powers and more to the lower class. This transition happens from the beginning to the end of the 20th century.
As we reach into the end of the twentieth century republics become more and more relevant as everybody has enough information at the palm of their hand to make an educated decision. This is great, as everybody is educated, but this now creates an even more complex society then society already was.
Every time previously has had its advantages and disadvantages and every time in the future will have its advantages and disadvantages, as we are an ever-changing society.


  1. What do you mean by "this breaks down the religions"?

  2. Well think about it germany decided to become separate from the Roman Catholic church but still practice a form of catholicism. King Henry decided that divorces should be allowed and there for separated the Church of England from the Roman Catholic church. Then there are the different forms of islamic faith such as Sunni, Shia, and Sufi which have different ideas coming from one idea. This happened more and more as people became more independent.
